These days I try to bake cookies instead of buy them, that way I know what's going in there, it is often cheaper, it is relaxing and makes the house smell freshly baked cookies just make you feel loved. Even if you are the one baking and eating them!
For years I used the TollHouse recipe, but lately have been sorta disillusioned with went to Chris' favorite, Fanny Farmer. Made a batch last week and they were just awesome...armed with my chips and beaters set out to whip them up again...Brown and white sugar...
Butter and vanilla, then whip it...(whip, whip it real good...)
add your sugars...I have an ancient (but reliable) handmixer, so sometimes this is a challenge

and your eggs...
then slowly your flour, baking soda, salt...
My old reliable...(this was actually a wedding gift...11 years ago),
somewhere around this time go on and check your Facebook page, update your status, see what your friends are up to...

Hmmm add chips...these are milk chocolate because I'm out of my standards, normally I do one third white chocolate, one third milk chocolate( not semi-sweet), one third butterscotch...hmmm, thats the best...but this should be pretty good, too.

Like everyone's friend, Julia Child, I , too, believe in butter. Butter is practically perfect in everyway and yes, I still grease my pans and cookie sheets with it. (Okay, okay, my cookie sheet is old, but it works great and has one of those air pocket systems...)

Mmmmm, look at those lovely little balls of dough... in they go! 10-12 minutes at 375 degrees...
Smells so good, Ding,ding,ding... let's take a peek...
This is like like the third time this month that while doubling the recipe I DIDN'T DOUBLE THE DAMN FLOUR! Arrrgh. (Oh yeah, I stopped in the middle of the mixing and got distracted and checked my freakin' FaceBook page and...) Thats when I forgot to add that extra flour. Bah. Gak. Pshaw.
Luckily I added the flour now to the rest and they taste great. The are still not quite as pretty as sometimes, but pretty darn good.

And the kids and Chris and my mom think the over-sugared ones are tasty, too. So what did we learn today...
Baking + Facebook=messed up cookies.
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